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Digital Ad Specs

AARP Media Advertising Network offers a full range of online display ad formats across all screens: desktop, mobile, and tablet. Check this site often for the latest specifications, guidelines, and available formats. All ads must comply with and meet AARPʼs Advertising Policies, Digital Advertising Guidelines, and be SSL Compliant.

  • AARP The Magazine
  • AARP Bulletin
  • AARP Digital Ad Specs
  • Facebook News Feed

    What is it:

    Get social and showcase your service or product to AARP members on Facebook. Advertisers can engage with the AARP audience directly with Facebook sponsored ads that target known AARP members in their Facebook News Feed on desktop and/or mobile.


    Ad Components1) Text
    2) Image or Video
    3) Destination URL

    Text Specifications

    Primary Text

    •  Sentence text followed by #ad per Ad Policy.
    •  Recommended text length: 125 characters max with spaces.
    •  Text in your ad may be truncated.


    Recommended text length: 40 characters max with spaces.

    Description (optional)

    •  Recommended text length: 30 characters max with spaces.
    •  May not appear in all placements.

    Display URL (optional)

    This is the URL that will be shown to people who see the ad.

    Call to Action Button

    Apply Now, Listen Now, Book Now, Contact Us, Donate Now, Download, Get Offer, Get Showtimes, Learn More, Send Message, Request Time, See Menu, Shop Now, Sign Up, Subscribe, Watch More

    If not specified, publisher will select the most appropriate button type.

    Image and Video Specifications


    3rd Party Tracking

    Click tags with tracking codes are allowed.

    Impression tags not allowed per Facebook policy regarding use with custom audience lists.