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Digital Ad Specs

AARP Media Advertising Network offers a full range of online display ad formats across all screens: desktop, mobile, and tablet. Check this site often for the latest specifications, guidelines, and available formats. All ads must comply with and meet AARPʼs Advertising Policies, Digital Advertising Guidelines, and be SSL Compliant.

  • AARP The Magazine
  • AARP Bulletin
  • AARP Digital Ad Specs
  • Inbox Message

    What is it:

    Pinned to the top of every app user's inbox, the prominent placement of this in-app message ensures prime visibility for up to 30 days. Directly connect with members by utilizing this seamless and clutter-free messaging opportunity.


    Ad Components1)  Copy
    2) Image File
    3) Destination URL

    Copy Specifications

    HeadlineMax 66 characters with spaces. Sentence text will be followed by #ad per Ad Policy

    Max 191 characters with spaces

    Call to ActionCustomizable, short
    Max 15 characters with spaces
    Include destination URL and appended Adobe tracking codes for measurement

    Image Specifications

    File TypesPNG, GIF or JPG
    File Dimensions600x450
    Max File Size200 KB
    AnimationNot Permitted