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Digital Ad Specs

AARP Media Advertising Network offers a full range of online display ad formats across all screens: desktop, mobile, and tablet. Check this site often for the latest specifications, guidelines, and available formats. All ads must comply with and meet AARPʼs Advertising Policies, Digital Advertising Guidelines, and be SSL Compliant.

  • AARP The Magazine
  • AARP Bulletin
  • AARP Digital Ad Specs
  • YouTube Audience 1st Extension

    What is it:

    Leverage AARP’s first-party data to boost awareness and engagement among AARP members across 110MM+ YouTube channels. Advertisers can target the AARP audience on YouTube with video ads that appear before content in players located throughout the platform.


    Ad Components1) Video File
    2) Landing Page URL
    3) CTA Overlay on Video
    4) Companion Banner (optional)
    5) Custom Overlay (optional, work with sales rep to make actionable)

    Video File Specifications

    Video FormatAVI, MOV, MP4, M4V, MPEG, MPG, WEBM, WMV
    Video CodecH.264
    Video Aspect RatioLandscape/Horizontal: 16:9 or 4:3
    Portrait/Vertical: 9:16 or 3:4
    Video ResolutionLandscape/Horizontal: 1280×720, 1920×1080, or 1440×1080
    Portrait/Vertical: 720×1280, 1080×1920, or 1080×1440
    Square: 720×720, 1080×1080, 1920×1920
    Video Bit RateAt least 20 Mbps
    Video Length:06 to :30 max
    :06 to :14 max for non-skippable
    Video Frame Rate23.98 FPS or 29.97 FPS
    Audio FormatPCM (preferred) or AAC
    Audio Bit RateAt least 192 Kbps
    Max File Size1 GB

    CTA Overlay on Video Specifications

    CTA Button TextMax 10 characters with spaces (Blue button with white lettering and cannot be changed or altered.)
    CTA Headline TextMax 15 characters with spaces (Black, bolded lettering and cannot be changed or altered.)
    Display URLThe URL displayed to the users on the overlay. (Note: Domain must match the landing page domain.)
    Landing Page URLThe URL to which the overlay links. Can be a redirect.

    Companion Banner (optional) Specifications

    File TypesJPG, GIF, PNG
    GIF Frame RateLess than 5 frames per second
    Max File Size150 KB


    3rd Party TrackingClick tags with tracking codes are allowed.
    Impression tags not allowed per Google's policy prohibiting use of third-party tracking pixels for YouTube measurement.