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Digital Ad Specs

AARP Media Advertising Network offers a full range of online display ad formats across all screens: desktop, mobile, and tablet. Check this site often for the latest specifications, guidelines, and available formats. All ads must comply with and meet AARPʼs Advertising Policies, Digital Advertising Guidelines, and be SSL Compliant.

  • AARP The Magazine
  • AARP Bulletin
  • AARP Digital Ad Specs
  • Email (970x250 Marquee)

    What is it:

    The Topical Newsletters, through a mix of branding and custom content, build awareness and engagement with a highly-targeted audience focusing on Money Matters, Health, Life Style and Travel.


    Email Components1. Advertiser Logo
    2. Embedded Content Piece
    3. 970x250 Banner

    Advertiser Logo Specifications

    File TypePNG, GIF or JPG
    Max File Size100 KB
    File Dimensions310x72
    BackgroundWhite or Transparent
    Taglines or Added TextNot Allowed
    AnimationNot Allowed

    Embedded Content Piece Specifications

    HeadlineMax 55 characters with spaces
    Call-to-actionMax 15 characters with spaces (default LEARN MORE)
    Image File TypePNG, GIF or JPG
    Image Max File Size100 KB
    Image Max File Dimensions600x375

    970x250 Banner Specifications

    Ad ComponentsStatic Image or Animated GIF
    File TypesPNG, GIF or JPG
    Max File Size45 KB
    Ad File Dimensions970x250
    Allows 3rd Party ServingNo
    Allows 3rd Party TrackingYes we accept only secure trackers
    Responsive to Window SizeYes